John Fletcher joins six fellow honorees at 2019 Southlake Chamber Banquet on Friday evening, June 21. From left: Fletch, Traci Bernard, Ted Bilsky, Janice Horak, Bill Tait, Lori Cerami, Sandra Baber-Sandefur.
Oh, what a night! Fletch was named Director of the Year by the Southlake Chamber of Commerce. It was quite an honor to be recognized alongside so many of the community’s leaders and difference-makers who are so involved with the Southlake Chamber.
And the entertainment was awesome, starting with a James Bond video clip, clever emcee John Huffman, and incredible illusionist David Thomas. Totally one WOW of an evening! And what outstanding leadership by Dave Garner, outgoing Chairman of the Chamber!
Thank you to the Southlake Chamber for allowing me to serve. I was surprised and honored by this recognition.
Fellow honorees were:
• Janice Horak, President’s Award
• Sandra Baber-Sandefur, President’s Award
• Daniel Cortez, Chairman’s Award
• Dr. Paige Sohn, 2019 Ambassador of the Year
• Mitchell Gruenewald, Southlake Youth of the Year
• Bill Tait, Southlake Volunteer of the Year
• Lori Cerami, Swim4Elise, Civic Group of the Year
• Ted Bilsky Scratch Catering, Southlake Small Business of the Year
• Lauren Dufour, Kendra Scott – Southlake, Corporate Business of the Year
• Mike Lafavers, Feedstore BBQ & More, Chamber Member Legacy Award
• 2019 Traci Bernard, Texas Health Hospital Southlake, Southlake Citizen of the Year
#southlakechamber #davidthomas #tracibernard #texashealthhospitalsouthlake #mikelafavers #feedstorebbq #laurendufour #kendrascott #loricerami #swim4elise #billtait #insurance #mitchellgrunewald #paigesohn #danielcortez #cityofsouthlake #sandrababersandefur #janicehorak #fletch #johnfletcher #fletcherconsulting